The show revolves around a group of teens that go to a local College. The show tells stories of growing up and the problems that life brings us. Some story lines include eating disorders, pregnancy, death, and relationships. The show is a lot like my favorite show, Degrassi, however it is made for a more mature audience.
One big way that Skins differs from any show I have seen is that it covers controversial subject matter without going into a moral-of-the-story sort of set up. The show seems to have a running theme that life is dark sometimes but that is just the way it is. The characters live a very extravagant lifestyle, with lots of partying and irresponsible behavior, but they are never represented in a negative light because of this behavior.
The show is set up in three generations. Each generation has two seasons. The show does one thing very well, and that is developing characters. By the end of each generation you are sad to see the characters go. At the beginning of each generation, I found myself struggling to get used to the new characters because each batch is so different from the rest. But in the end you grow to appreciate each character. You love some and you hate some, but they are so developed that you recognize the beauty behind them no matter what. If you are looking for an addicting TV show, Skins is definitely a show to watch.
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