MTV has a new drama, called "Eye Candy," based off of an R.L Stine novel. The show stars Victoria Justice, the former Nickelodeon star of "Victorious." While it has set no records, it has been steadily increasing in viewers sense its premiere in January.
Justice plays Lindy, a tech savvy woman on a mission to find her kidnapped sister. This is a murder mystery for the internet age. Lindy uses computer hacking to trace down "the flirtual killer," a serial killer who murders people who lie about their appearance on their online profiles. Coincidentally, this killer has an interest in Lindy. He believe that she could be the flawless person that he is searching for.
The story is told in hour long episodes. It is filmed much like "Teen Wolf," one of MTV's most successful shows. Each episodes is like a miniature movie, combining elements of drama, comedy, horror and suspense.
Sadly, the show falls into the trap of most murder mysteries' biggest flaw. Conclusions and solutions are pulled out of nowhere, often unrealistically. While the show lacks believably, it is easy to get into. The show succeeds in pulling plot twists over on its viewers. Also, for those who crave horror, there is a good dose of graphic, freak murder situations.
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