ABC's newest comedy, Fresh Off the Boat, premiered this month. The show follows a Asian American family in 1995. The Huang family has taken the leap from their comfort zone, moving from their Washington DC neighborhood to an all white suburb in Orlando, Florida. The show is narrated by Eddie Huang, a hip-hop loving 11 year old.
The show puts a comedic spin on the family's feelings of being outsiders. The first episode focused around the kids adjusting to their new school. Eddie had problems because the kids thought his homemade Chinese food was gross. Distraught, he convinced his mom to buy him Lunchables, his ticket to normalcy. However, this didn't work as well as he wished.
So far, I am enjoy this show very much. It is funny with out being watered down. The show still touched on life lessons, without being either too insensitive or too lighthearted. I think that it was the perfect mix.
Also, I was drawn to the characters in the show. Even though there has only been a few episodes, the actors have done a great job of giving their characters individuality. Each episode, you root for the family to figure things out by the end.
I love that you wrote about a new show. I can't wait to view it. It sounds funny but I wonder how it will do in the ratings without a big name actor/actress.