"The Big Bang Theory" on CBS has been a fan favorite sense its premiered in 2007. The show centers around a group of friends/scientists. It is a comedy about life and love through the eyes of these "geeks." The highlight of the show is Sheldon Cooper, portrayed by Jim Parsons.
The show is funny in a brainy way, but not so much that it is hard to understand or follow. It hit a huge market of people, from teenagers to the older demographic. The show has inspired a craze of merchandise and Bazinga! shirts, which is Sheldon Cooper's catch phrase.
With the show going so strong for so long, the question we have is when will it end? The show is currently on season eight, and even though it is still maintaining a large audience. However, it has received mixed reviews from the critics. The Inquisitr called it "not quite up to par" and "none of the humor particularly stood out."
Personally, I for see the show going on for a while longer because as long as they are getting views the network will continue to renew the show. The only reason why I could see the show stopping is because of loosing actors. Jim Parsons recently did a movie and is going to be on a Broadway show. If he decides to leave The Big Bang Theory to do other jobs, I would assume a huge decline in ratings would follow.
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