"The Big Bang Theory" on CBS has been a fan favorite sense its premiered in 2007. The show centers around a group of friends/scientists. It is a comedy about life and love through the eyes of these "geeks." The highlight of the show is Sheldon Cooper, portrayed by Jim Parsons.
The show is funny in a brainy way, but not so much that it is hard to understand or follow. It hit a huge market of people, from teenagers to the older demographic. The show has inspired a craze of merchandise and Bazinga! shirts, which is Sheldon Cooper's catch phrase.
With the show going so strong for so long, the question we have is when will it end? The show is currently on season eight, and even though it is still maintaining a large audience. However, it has received mixed reviews from the critics. The Inquisitr called it "not quite up to par" and "none of the humor particularly stood out."
Personally, I for see the show going on for a while longer because as long as they are getting views the network will continue to renew the show. The only reason why I could see the show stopping is because of loosing actors. Jim Parsons recently did a movie and is going to be on a Broadway show. If he decides to leave The Big Bang Theory to do other jobs, I would assume a huge decline in ratings would follow.
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Monday, April 20, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
Grace's Show Review
I mentioned a few posts ago that YouTuber, Grace Helbig has her own TV show on E! now. The show is now two episodes in, so I figured it was time I give my opinion on it.
The show takes place in Grace's "house" (really it is just a set designed to resemble Grace's home). The first episode had guests Aisha Tyler, Mamrie Hart, and Flula Borg. The second episode brought in comedian Nick Kroll and internet personality Tyler Oakley. It seems like Grace is trying to balance airtime between standard celebrities and internet celebrities. This is a huge move for Team Internet, because it give a lot of YouTuber a chance to be on the television platform.
I must say that Grace comes off quite differently on TV than she does on YouTube. Some of this may be due to the fact that she is in a different atmosphere on TV. She is dressed in cute dresses with her hair and make up done accompanied by flattering camera angles. On YouTube she typically wears sweats with old make up and one single camera angle provided by her tripod.
In the second episode Grace responded to a comment that she received saying that it sounded like she was reading her lines off of a teleprompter the entire time, when in fact there was no teleprompter. Helbig does in fact have a way of talking sometimes when she pauses at weird places. This is something that you are used to on the internet, but on TV it makes her come off as awkward (which is actually what she is going for I think).
As far as pop culture TV shows go, I think that this show is pretty decent. I am looking for to the next episode with guest Jim Parsons because I am excited to see how their personalities work together. My favorite thing about the show is how Grace incorporates YouTube styled challenges for her guest, because this is much more interesting than the typical interview that hosts normally give.
The show takes place in Grace's "house" (really it is just a set designed to resemble Grace's home). The first episode had guests Aisha Tyler, Mamrie Hart, and Flula Borg. The second episode brought in comedian Nick Kroll and internet personality Tyler Oakley. It seems like Grace is trying to balance airtime between standard celebrities and internet celebrities. This is a huge move for Team Internet, because it give a lot of YouTuber a chance to be on the television platform.
I must say that Grace comes off quite differently on TV than she does on YouTube. Some of this may be due to the fact that she is in a different atmosphere on TV. She is dressed in cute dresses with her hair and make up done accompanied by flattering camera angles. On YouTube she typically wears sweats with old make up and one single camera angle provided by her tripod.
In the second episode Grace responded to a comment that she received saying that it sounded like she was reading her lines off of a teleprompter the entire time, when in fact there was no teleprompter. Helbig does in fact have a way of talking sometimes when she pauses at weird places. This is something that you are used to on the internet, but on TV it makes her come off as awkward (which is actually what she is going for I think).
As far as pop culture TV shows go, I think that this show is pretty decent. I am looking for to the next episode with guest Jim Parsons because I am excited to see how their personalities work together. My favorite thing about the show is how Grace incorporates YouTube styled challenges for her guest, because this is much more interesting than the typical interview that hosts normally give.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Tyler Oakley on Catfish
Yet another You Tuber has made a transition to the TV screen. Tyler Oakley, guest hosted on Catfish last week. Catfish is reality show on MTV, that aims to uncover whether or not people online significant others are real.
Tyler Oakley has proved through his online medium that he is great at interviews and creating entertaining material. However, reality TV was outside of his normal element. Most of Oakley's vlogs are humor based. Even when he talks about a serious subject, he approaches it in a humorous light. Catfish didn't allow him this luxury. Throughout the episode, you could tell that Tyler was unsure of what to do or say. Seeing someone deal with an emotional experience left him awkwardly covering his mouth.
The moments that Tyler did shine was when it came to making predictions and making entertaining commentary. I could see Tyler do a TV show in the future, but I would imagine him taking a route similar to Grace Hellbig. Celebrity gossip and pop culture commentary are his forte, and he should stick to that.
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